Parent First Aid – online or practical course

This course is designed for anyone who needs knowledge of first aid such as parents/grandparents or family members. This training will give you the confidence to act quickly and effectively in a first aid situation while waiting for help.


Number of Staff

Certificate of attendance

Award Level

Parent First Aid – online or practical course

Practical course covers;

  • Assessing an emergency situation
  • Providing first aid to an infant or child who is in unresponsive, choking or has an external bleed
  • Resuscitation and use of an AED
  • Burns and scalds
  • An infant or child who suffers a condition that affects the ears, eyes or nose
  • Seizures

Online course covers;

  • Roles and responsibilities of a paediatric first-aider
  • Assessing an emergency situation
  • Providing first aid to an infant or child who is unresponsive, choking or has external bleeding
  • Providing first aid to an infant or a child with a suspected bone fracture or dislocation; head, neck or back injury
  • An infant or a child with a condition that affects the ears, eyes and nose; burns or scalds; an acute medical condition or sudden illness; a minor injury; shock
  • An infant or a child experiencing the effects of extreme heat or cold
  • An infant or child who has sustained an electric shock or been poisoned
  • Providing first aid to an infant or child with anaphylaxis

Enquiry: Parent First Aid – online or practical course

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