The Importance of Teaching First Aid in Schools

The Importance of Teaching First Aid in Schools

Do your staff and pupils know how to save a life?

According to research conducted by the British Heart Foundation, 95% of people would not feel knowledgeable, confident, or willing to save lives in first aid emergencies.  This research highlights the importance of protecting our children by increasing knowledge and teaching first aid in schools.

Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive at the British Heart Foundation, is a passionate advocator and said: “CPR really is the difference between life and death for thousands of people every year in the UK who suffer a cardiac arrest. Every second counts, so it is vital that school children across the UK are equipped with this simple, life-saving skill. It takes less than an hour to learn CPR, so dedicating just one PSHE lesson per year could create a generation of lifesavers.”

There are two aspects to providing first aid in schools, firstly educating school officials, teachers, and guardians, and secondly looking at educating the pupils themselves.

The importance of educating all teachers in first aid

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers (including schools) to provide adequate numbers of first aiders, facilities, and equipment to enable first aid to be given.  Therefore, it is important to make sure that teachers and school staff are equipped with first aid skills to help prevent injuries or conditions from worsening.  Schools are not only responsible for first aid, but also for ensuring that all incidents are recorded, and the outcomes are reported.

Health and Safety in schools often take a back seat to seemingly more important issues, but it is fundamental for teachers to prioritise lifesaving first aid skills.  By properly administering first aid action it can be the difference between a long-term injury or quick recovery.

In many cases, the teacher or Front office staff who witnesses the accident will be the first-line protector of children.  Therefore, it is recommended that all staff undergo first aid training to be able to assist.

The benefits of training all teachers and staff in schools in first aid and CPR are:

  • Create a feeling of safety – If there is a general awareness of first aid teachers will be more aware and able to respond in various situations and children will feel safer.
  • Reduce the number of injuries – In the UK slips, trips and falls remain the most common cause of major injuries and they account for around 40% of all injuries reported.
  • Improved response times – Injuries can be treated quicker thus improving recovery time and reducing pain.
  • Prevents conditions becoming worse: By ensuring that the right techniques are applied emergencies can be kept under control and prevented from getting worse. For example, by administering CPR or preventing further blood loss, lives could be saved.
  • Highlight the importance of Health and Safety – First aiders will be trained to see when situations are not safe and prevent injuries from happening in.

The importance of educating all pupils in first aid

In 2020, the Department for Education (DfE) confirmed that all state-funded schools in England must include basic first aid and CPR training as part of the curriculum. The first aid training content will vary depending on the age of the students.

It is often said children are our future and in saying this what better way to empower our children with confidence than to teach them how to respond in an emergency?   First Aid training will teach them to not only take care of themselves but to care about others too.  These skills will equip them throughout life and should be built on every year making them feel responsible, confident, and safer.

Emergencies occur at the most unexpected times and everyone, including children from as young as 5 years old can be taught life-saving skills.  If you or your school want to consider enrolling in first aid training, then Cross Counties training can offer two courses for young people, namely:

  • Regulated Student First Aid – This is a 3-hour course ensuring the next generation knows what to do in an emergency. (Ages 11+ and includes a certificate).  The syllabus includes:
    • What is First Aid
    • Primary survey
    • Recovery position
    • Resuscitation and AED
    • Choking
    • Common injuries
  • Mini Medics – This is a 1-hour, unregulated course which aims to provide a good foundation for children wanting to learn about first aid and mental health. (Ages 5+)

First Aid Training for Teachers, Guardians and Carers

According to research done by The Children’s Society, 1 in 6 children aged 5-16 years old are likely to have a Mental Health problem.   At Cross Counties Training, we specialise in First Aid training, as well as Mental Health first aid, which is often overlooked.  In the last three years, the likelihood of young people having Mental Health problems has increased by 50%.  This highlights the importance of school staff being trained in Mental Health, in particular in secondary schools.

We deliver our training courses in a variety of ways to suit the requirements of the schools we deal with.  For example, we can offer Paediatric First Aid face-to-face training, as well as blended learning for those who cannot afford for staff to be out of the classroom for more than one day at a time.

Our First Aid courses meet the requirements of Ofsted so you can feel assured you are compliant. We are accredited by FAA Awards and regulated by Ofqual.

  • Emergency First Aid at Work – In this Level 3 certified course you will learn the skills and knowledge to provide treatment to casualties safely and effectively. (1-day course)
  • Paediatric First Aid at Work – This nationally regulated, Level 3 training course, is ideal for individuals who are responsible for children and infants. (2-day course, blended learning offered)
  • First Aid Awareness for Mental Health – This Level 2 certified course helps introduce the risks and warning signs of mental health and teaches the importance of early intervention. (1 day)
  • Supervisor First Aid for Mental Health – This Level 3 certified course covers a wider range of Mental Health conditions. The course is suitable for all persons who hold a supervisory/managerial level position and are responsible for implementing Mental Health in the workplace. (2 days)

The goal for schools should be to train as many first aid responders as possible so that they can remain composed and confident in critical situations.

It is without a doubt that knowledge of first aid will not only provide a safer and happier school environment but will also build confident and responsible young people.  If we can help your children or schools with any first aid training please call us at 01276586943 or email us at for hassle-free bookings.